Frank was operating the 3142 all day, and had a good time. Maybe he will enlighten us further.
I started out doing a few minor things on the 36. This is the compressor which we've selected to replace the hopelessly worn-out one now on the car. I brought out a new tarp to protect it until it can be moved into the shop for overhaul.
Joel happened to be passing by, so he helped me sequence the newly-installed contactors on the 36, and they all appear to work. So that's another step forward.
Here's the new IRMA sign which Dave Diamond has installed just west of the depot, as visitors enter the property. Did we mention that it's free????
The latest exhibit in the display cars in Yard 5 is about women of the NSL, and it opened today. I didn't have time to view it in detail, so I hope we'll get a better presentation shortly. In the distance, at the left we see Gwyn Stupar talking to visitors.
But I spent most of the day as a trainman on the CA&E steel cars, 409 and 431. The train was decorated by the Car Department with black bunting and black flags in honor of the late Jim Nauer.