My day was generally uneventful, which is typically a good thing when you're involved in train operations. I did get a chance to stop by Barn 4 and see what was happening there, though. Below left, Tim Peters is continuing to make terrific progress on the CRT gate car. Here you can see a plywood mockup of the destination sign box that will be built for the car as part of its backdating. Below right, scooping the scooper: Bob Kutella snaps a photo of Jeff Brady (left) and Norm Krentel, who had just finished steaming and clamping a plank that will help hold rooftop ladder slats securely in place on the Michigan Electric car.
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Going in Circles
Going in Circles
I spent Saturday going in circles, running the 3142 on the streetcar line. It's always fun to get out of the shop and operate once in a while. This weekend was Scout Days, so the museum was mobbed by Boy Scouts. It was great to see the place as busy as it was.
My day was generally uneventful, which is typically a good thing when you're involved in train operations. I did get a chance to stop by Barn 4 and see what was happening there, though. Below left, Tim Peters is continuing to make terrific progress on the CRT gate car. Here you can see a plywood mockup of the destination sign box that will be built for the car as part of its backdating. Below right, scooping the scooper: Bob Kutella snaps a photo of Jeff Brady (left) and Norm Krentel, who had just finished steaming and clamping a plank that will help hold rooftop ladder slats securely in place on the Michigan Electric car.

My day was generally uneventful, which is typically a good thing when you're involved in train operations. I did get a chance to stop by Barn 4 and see what was happening there, though. Below left, Tim Peters is continuing to make terrific progress on the CRT gate car. Here you can see a plywood mockup of the destination sign box that will be built for the car as part of its backdating. Below right, scooping the scooper: Bob Kutella snaps a photo of Jeff Brady (left) and Norm Krentel, who had just finished steaming and clamping a plank that will help hold rooftop ladder slats securely in place on the Michigan Electric car.
Category → Going in Circles » Operations » Hicks Car Works