Nobody gets left out in the cold at IRM, at least during a heat wave like this one. We have a nice air-conditioned shop facility in which to work, but that goes only so far. Railroad cars don't fit into the shop.
Working outside can be brutal. But we watch over each other and make sure everybody's drinking plenty of water and taking breaks as needed. The heat must have fried my usual sense of concern for you, the viewer, since I failed to take many pictures of what was happening. But I can describe most of them.

After the 36 and 309 were at the pit, a string of five freight cars was switched onto the lead for inspection, which occupied many of the freight car guys all day.
I also put a finish coat of silver on the two trolley poles and hook. And went to the container to collect parts, but it's unbearably hot inside, so I didn't get very far.
And Rich Witt now has assembled the first complete first aid box, and it's ready for paint. See the department blog for more details.
And Rich Witt now has assembled the first complete first aid box, and it's ready for paint. See the department blog for more details.

The bases need to be bolted down at some point, before the poles are inserted, but we have all the parts. Another big step forward.