By now, unfortunately, everybody seems to have figured out that I'm lying when I try to tell you that car inspection will be fun, educational, etc. What, you don't want to look like you just crawled out of the La Brea tar pits? Frank shows up to help only because I threatened to write him out of my will. Or maybe it's because this is the only operational car with our name on it. Anyhow, everything went well and the old reliable 309 is now ready for service. On Wednesday we did all of the heavy lifting: motors, brake adjustment, air system, and worst of all, lubrication. On Thursday I finished up with the easier parts: controllers and interior details, such as seats and windows. Rod worked his magic on one of the air gauges that was sticking a little.
And for the rest of Thursday, I worked on the 36 some more and walked out to check on the 321 and pick up some tools I left there.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. We're preparing for the WWII reenactment that will take place again this coming weekend. You won't want to miss it. In the distance, you may notice some fences put there for crowd control. Unlike the real WWII, steps are being taken to minimize civilian casualties. So don't be afraid!

The mockup for the end sign boxes is really quite impressive. This is going to be an outstanding restoration.

Meanwhile, Nature takes her usual kindly course. The creek is still flowing merrily along after the recent wet spring.
And while we're on the subject of natural history, here's an amusing case. This is one of the many signals in our signal display along Barn 4. On this particular signal, a bird decided to build her nest on one of the visors. Two little hatchlings are sitting there, soaking up the sunshine and waiting for food to be delivered. Maybe as soon as I get out of the way.
When war breaks out, Hicks Car Works will break in to deliver the latest news from the front. So keep in touch!