The 2013 operating schedule for the CA&E wood cars has been finalized. Fairly consistently, the consist will consist of two of the three cars in rotation for regular operation (308, 309 and 319). All operations are dependent upon weather and mechanical considerations, of course, but we expect that the cars will operate on most, if not all, of these days: May 27th (Memorial Day/Founders Day), June 8th-9th (RPO Days), June 22nd-23rd (Chicago Day), July 4th (Independence Day), July 7th (Trolley Parade only - not in revenue service), August 4th (Vintage Transport Extravaganza), August 31st-September 1st-September 2nd (Labor Day Weekend), September 14th (Museum Showcase Weekend).
If you're rules-qualified, please sign up for a couple of days - we're always in need of motormen, conductors and trainmen. Thanks!