Time For a Change

Rumor has it that winter is near.  Be that as it may, work continues without interruption at the Museum.  I suppose I should have taken some pictures of the various ongoing projects in the wood shop, but you'll just have to check on the department blogs for that.  Anyway, work continued on the 36.  More surface prep was done, but as usual when you get near the end of a job like this, Zeno's Paradox seems to take effect.  For a given amount of effort, half of the remaining work is finished.  There isn't much green paint left, but what there is gets harder to remove.

I finished stripping and sanding on the lower parts of the last door frame, and by early afternoon it was ready for brown primer, as seen here.  The middle section isn't quite ready.  A window that refuses to open is part of the problem.  The rest may have to wait until spring.

I also finished woodwork on making a new window sill at the #2 end, as seen here.  The original was badly deteriorated, and much of it was missing.  New wood was fitted for the sill, and brown primer was applied since I had the paint out.  The brackets for the classification signs at this end are mounted on small blocks, which is unusual.  One of them was missing, so I made a replacement. Eventually the entire vestibule will be painted blue.

Finally, it was time to prepare for the next task: finish repainting the main compartment of the 319.  I hope to get this done in time for revenue service in May.  The seat cushions were stacked up, plastic covers were placed over the seat backs, the ventilators were closed, extension cords were placed to supply power for two space heaters, and so on.  So this will be the focus of activity for the next couple of months. 
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