Par for the Course

Another day, another few feet of wooden siding stripped, sanded, and primed.  I keep telling myself this has got to be the last time we will have a car that has to be completely stripped down to bare wood and repainted.  First there was the 309, which I joined when it was already partly done, then the 321, then the 308, and now the 36.  

Furniture restoring shops will sometimes have a large vat full of paint remover into which furniture can be dipped, greatly speeding up the process. I have not yet figured out a feasible way to scale this idea up.

I finished stripping four sectors of the letterboard and upper siding (19-22), then sanded it all down and applied first primer.  I then went back and started doing a complete job on the window sections, as seen here.  This part is the most challenging; there's less square footage, but lots of angles and corners.  Much of it must be sanded by hand. 

Thursdays tend to be lightly attended.  The usual suspects were seen lurking about: Rod, Tim (of course), Buzz, Max, and Roger.  And me.  Nick seemed to be AWOL -- be on the lookout!
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