...and it is orange. I haven't had much time to work on the 205 this summer, between various family activities and time spent in operations at the museum, but I got a few hours to work on the car Sunday and got the entire east end painted orange (below left). This is just the first coat and was applied using the slightly incorrect shade of orange that we obtained from Sherwin-Williams last year. It looks pretty good, though the brighter orange of the finish coat will look better. I also sprayed the west truck of the car with a coat of black; it will need another coat but even a quick paint job is a definite improvement (below right).
I also spent some time showing Charlie Lowe from NYMT around the museum including a tour of the inspection pit courtesy of Joel, who was working on routine inspections of North Shore 714 and 749. In addition Tim and Frank were working on the 1797 and Jeff Brady was working on the roof of Michigan 28.