We now have nice new 48-star flags for the cars, too. Don't miss the Trolley Pageant this Saturday!

Ray Pieschuk made a sign for the LSE 150, and the only real thing I accomplished today was to make the wood frame to mount the sign on the car. It looks good -- thanks, Ray! I also spent some time sorting parts and cleaning up the car, since I have a fan, but that didn't last long.

Speaking of the pageant, we will have two more cars running for the first time under their own power! Cars 2153 and 2154 were running around the loop for testing and training, using their newly-installed trolley pole.

On the left, we see a section on RPO's and mail clerks, including a streaming video in the upper left. Have a seat and watch it for a while.

On the other wall, there's a large collection of builder's plates, from many different locomotive manufacturers.

Under development is a section about Chicago railroad stations. Here's a lighted departure board from Union Stattion, showing trains such as the Broadway Limited.

Under development is a section about Chicago railroad stations. Here's a lighted departure board from Union Stattion, showing trains such as the Broadway Limited.

And there's more information about the many stations in the city.